Fix Erlang Send Error in Prime Number

I’m experimenting with creating an Erlang program to identify prime numbers using processes sure, it might not be the most efficient way, but it’s a fun project! The basic idea is that on each “tick,” the server spawns a new process for a number, which then increments its counter. If the counter equals the number, it’s a factor, so the process sends a message to the server. If the server doesn’t receive any messages, then that number is considered prime.

For small numbers, up to N, everything works smoothly. However, when I try it with larger numbers, the program crashes, and I get an error: {badarg,[{primes,number,2,[{file,"primes.erl"},{line,31}]}]}. The issue seems to point to the server ! hit line in my code, but I can’t quite pinpoint why it’s failing. It could also be related to the next line, number(N,1), but I’m not sure why that would cause an error.

Here’s the error code I’m working with:


main() ->
Server_PID = spawn(?MODULE,server,[]),

server() -> server(2,[]).
server(50,L) -> io:format("Primes: ~p~n",[L]);
server(N,L) ->
Num_PID = spawn(?MODULE,number,[N]),
hit ->
after 100 ->

number(N) -> receive {pg_message,_,_,tick} -> number(N,1) end.
number(N,I) ->
{pg_message,_,_,tick} ->
N =:= I ->
server ! hit,
true ->

flush() ->
receive _ -> flush()
after 0 -> ok end.

The error you’re encountering is due to the way the server ! hit message is being handled in your code. In Erlang, sending messages to processes requires that the target process is either a valid process ID or an atom associated with a registered process. In this case, the issue arises because the server process is not correctly recognized when you try to send the hit message, which results in the badarg error.

Let’s fix this by:

  1. Correctly referencing the server process by ensuring that it is properly registered.
  2. Simplifying the message-passing mechanism to ensure that messages are correctly handled by the server.
  3. Making minor adjustments for clarity.

Here is the corrected code:


% Entry point
main() ->
% Create a process group called 'numbers' (if needed by your setup)
% Spawn the server process and register it as 'server'
Server_PID = spawn(?MODULE, server, []),
register(server, Server_PID),
% Start processing

% Server function to handle numbers
server() -> server(2, []).
server(50, L) -> io:format("Primes: ~p~n", [L]);
server(N, L) ->
% Spawn a process for each number and join it to the 'numbers' group
Num_PID = spawn(?MODULE, number, [N]),
pg:join(numbers, Num_PID),
% Send 'tick' to all processes in 'numbers'
pg:send(numbers, tick),
% Handle responses
% If 'hit' message is received, proceed without marking as prime
hit ->
server(N + 1, L)
after 100 ->
% If no 'hit' message received, mark N as prime
server(N + 1, [N | L])

% Number process that checks if a number is prime
number(N) ->
{pg_message, _, _, tick} -> number(N, 1)

number(N, I) ->
{pg_message, _, _, tick} ->
N =:= I ->
% Corrected the message passing to the registered 'server' process
server ! hit,
number(N, 1);
true ->
number(N, I + 1)

% Flush function to clear any remaining messages in the process's mailbox
flush() ->
_ -> flush()
after 0 ->

Explanation of Changes:

  1. Server Registration: In main/0, we spawn the server process and register it with the name server. This allows us to send messages to the server process reliably using server ! hit in number/2.
  2. Correct Message Handling: The line server ! hit now correctly references the registered server process by its atom (server). This ensures that the message is sent to the right process.
  3. Improved Clarity in server/2:
    • In server/2, if the receive block doesn’t capture a hit message within the 100-millisecond timeout, the server assumes the number is prime and adds it to the list L.
    • The process then recursively calls itself with the next number.
  4. Flush Function: The flush/0 function clears any pending messages in the process mailbox, ensuring that no residual messages interfere with the process logic.


This corrected code should now handle larger numbers more reliably by properly sending messages to the server process and correctly checking for primes without causing badarg errors. If you still encounter issues with performance or reliability at high values, consider increasing the timeout in the receive block or optimizing message handling further.

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