Causes The Badarg Error During an ets:select Compilation in Erlang?

This Erlang command attempts to run a function in a project, but it encounters a badarg error during an ets:select operation. The error stems from issues in the configuration and connection-related modules. A crash dump is generated to provide further details for debugging.

Erlang Code (with Errors):

code"C:\Program Files\Erlang OTP\bin\erl.exe" -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang2/netconfClient/out/production/netconfClient -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang2/netconfClient -eval netconfManager:open2(). -s init stop -noshell
init terminating in do_boot ({badarg,[{ets,select,[ct_attributes,[_]],[{_}]},

Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...
{"init terminating in do_boot",{badarg,[{ets,select,[ct_attributes,

To resolve the badarg error in your Erlang code, let’s break down the steps and provide a correct implementation. The error occurs during the ets:select call, likely because the pattern or table is not properly defined.

Correct Erlang Code:

-export([open2/0, init/0, start/0]).

%% Initial function to open the manager
open2() ->

%% Initialize the ETS table
init() ->
%% Create the ETS table 'ct_attributes' if it doesn't exist
ets:new(ct_attributes, [set, public, named_table]),

%% Insert sample data into the table for testing purposes
ets:insert(ct_attributes, {ct_conf, 'value1', '_', '_', '_', undefined, '_'}),
ets:insert(ct_attributes, {ct_conf, 'value2', '_', '_', '_', undefined, '_'}).

%% Function that uses ets:select properly
start() ->
%% Example of an ETS select call with correct match specification
MatchSpec = [{{ct_conf, '$1', '_', '_', '_', undefined, '_'}, [], ['$1']}],

%% Selecting from the ETS table with proper match spec
case ets:select(ct_attributes, MatchSpec) of
[] ->
io:format("No matches found.~n");
Results ->
io:format("Matches found: ~p~n", [Results])

Key Changes and Fixes:

  1. ets:new: Properly create the ETS table ct_attributes using the ets:new/2 function with set, public, and named_table options to ensure the table exists and is accessible.
  2. ets:insert: Added sample data to the ct_attributes table to make sure the ets:select has data to work with.
  3. Match Specification (MatchSpec): The ets:select function requires a correct match specification. I have corrected the pattern to match tuples in the format {ct_conf, '$1', '_', '_', '_', undefined, '_'}.
  4. Pattern Matching in ets:select: Used '$1' as the placeholder to retrieve matching elements and return them in the results list.

Running the Code

To run the code, use the following Erlang shell command:

code"C:\Program Files\Erlang OTP\bin\erl.exe" -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang2/netconfClient/out/production/netconfClient -eval "netconfManager:open2()." -s init stop -noshell


  1. open2/0: This is the entry point for your application. It initializes the ETS table and starts the logic.
  2. init/0: Initializes the ct_attributes table and inserts sample data for testing purposes.
  3. start/0: Calls ets:select on the ct_attributes table with a proper match specification to retrieve matching records.

With these corrections, your application should now run without encountering the badarg error, and it will properly handle the ETS table selection.

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