React JS

Getting an Error in React Code While Making a Calculator

I'm encountering a problem in my code where the calculator is not working as expected. The first issue is that the onClick event for...

Fix the “ENOENT” Error When Creating a React App on Windows

If you're like me and struggling to get ReactJS working on your computer, and you’ve run into the annoying "ENOENT" error while trying to...

Fix the 400 Bad Request Error in ReactJS

Hi, I'm getting an error '400 Bad Request' error when trying to send a POST request from my client to a Django backend. The...

Fix the getElementById Error in ReactJS

You're seeing the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" because the environment you're working in doesn’t recognize the import/export syntax by default. Basically,...

Using Stack Traces in React JS, Gatsby to Locate Errors

The client is facing an error in their project, which uses React JS, Gatsby, and Material UI. The main issue reported involves list rendering...
