MySQL_Connect Errors and Missing Best Practices in PHP Code

I recently had an interview where I was asked to analyze a PHP code and identify errors and bad programming practices. While I managed...

Increment The Variable $rows Inside a Loop in PHP

This PHP script processes a search query for user login data, allowing users to filter results by password or email. It fetches the matching...

Fix SQL Query Syntax Incorrect in the PHP Script?

This code provides a secure login system using mysqli with prepared statements to prevent SQL injection. It checks user credentials against a database and...

[SOLVED] SQL Query Using real_escape_string Failing in PHP?

This PHP script handles user authentication by securely connecting to a MySQL database, retrieving user details, and verifying credentials using prepared statements to prevent...

Error Creating in Database Failing in This PHP Script?

This PHP script establishes a connection to a MySQL database server using mysqli_connect(), then attempts to create a new database named database_1. If the...
