Solve Web Crawler Errors in PHP

I’m working on creating a simple web crawler using PHP, aiming to crawl .edu domains by providing seed URLs of parent pages. To implement...

Detect PHP Errors When Running Make PHP Code from an HTML File

I've been working with PHP for about six months now, and recently I faced detect PHP errors when running make PHP code from an...

Fix Debugging Script Error Handling in PHP

I got this unexpected error right after setting up the site builder, and since I’m not really familiar with CSS or PHP scripts, I...

Fix the fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) Error in PHP

The way I’ve been handling errors in my PHP code works, but I have to admit, it's becoming really tedious. Let me explain. Suppose...

MySQL_Connect Errors and Missing Best Practices in PHP Code

I recently had an interview where I was asked to analyze a PHP code and identify errors and bad programming practices. While I managed...
