How Do Add a Python Code Error when creating new module?

The error occurs because osv and fields are outdated in newer versions of Odoo. The correct import is from odoo import models, fields, and the class should inherit from models.Model instead of osv.osv.

Code Error

codefrom osv import osv, fields

class asset_allocation(osv.osv):
_name = 'asset.allocation'
_description = 'Asset Allocation'
_columns = {
'asset_id': fields.many2one('account.asset.asset', 'Asset', required=True),
'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee', required=True),
'asset_status':'Status', required=True),
'note': fields.text('Note'),



  • Unresolved import: fields
  • Undefined variable from import: osv

Blog Post Explanation:

Understanding Python Module Import Errors in OpenERP: ‘Unresolved import’ and ‘Undefined variable from import’

When creating new modules in OpenERP (Odoo) using Eclipse or other development environments, you may encounter the following errors:

codeUnresolved import: fields
Undefined variable from import: osv

Why Does This Error Occur?

The error typically occurs because OpenERP (Odoo) has updated its structure over time. Earlier versions used the osv module for object classes and fields for defining models, but newer versions, particularly Odoo 8.0 and later, have replaced osv with the models class and a different way to define fields. This change means your imports and class structure need to be updated to match the newer Odoo versions.

How to Fix It?

Here’s how you can resolve the issue:

  1. Replace osv with models.Model: Odoo now uses models.Model instead of osv.osv.
  2. Use the correct fields import: Import fields from odoo and replace field definitions accordingly.
  3. Update your fields syntax: The new syntax for fields like Many2one, Char, and Text has also changed slightly.

Corrected Code:

Here’s how you can update the code to resolve the error:

codefrom odoo import models, fields

class AssetAllocation(models.Model):
_name = 'asset.allocation'
_description = 'Asset Allocation'

asset_id = fields.Many2one('account.asset.asset', string='Asset', required=True)
employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Employee', required=True)
asset_status = fields.Datetime(string='Status', required=True)
note = fields.Text(string='Note')

# Register the model with Odoo

Key Changes:

  • Import the correct module: Use from odoo import models, fields instead of from osv import osv, fields.
  • Class inheritance: Instead of inheriting from osv.osv, the class now inherits from models.Model.
  • Field definitions: Replace old field definitions like fields.many2one with fields.Many2one, fields.text with fields.Text, etc.
  • Field parameters: In Odoo, you pass the field label as string instead of directly after the field type.


When upgrading from older versions of OpenERP (Odoo) to newer ones, it’s important to adapt to the updated API and structure. If you’re encountering unresolved import errors, the likely cause is that you’re using legacy code. The key to fixing this is updating the imports, inheritance, and field definitions to match the newer Odoo model architecture. By doing so, you’ll avoid errors and ensure compatibility with the latest version of Odoo.

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