How to Fix JSON.load Errors in Python

I’m excited to share my personal journey on how I tackled a common Python issue involving the json.load function. If you’ve ever been greeted with a baffling json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, especially when you were sure your JSON was valid. I’ll walk through the basics of loading JSON data in Python, explain why errors may occur, and demonstrate some expanded functionality to make your code more robust.

Why I Love Using JSON in Python

I like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) because it’s a lightweight format perfect for storing and transporting data. In Python, the json module makes it straightforward to convert JSON strings into Python objects such as dictionaries and lists—and back again.

However, as easy as json is to use, minor mistakes or misconfigurations can lead to errors. Let’s look at a simple example that demonstrates how you typically use json.load.

Explanation of the Basic Code

Below is the code that first introduced me to this issue. It’s really simple, but even in its simplicity, errors can occur:

import json

with open("data.json", 'r') as f:
json_data = json.load(f)


Importing the json Module

I like to start by importing json, the built-in Python module that handles JSON data.

Opening a File in Read Mode

with open("data.json", 'r') as f:

Using with open(...) as f ensures that the file is closed automatically after the block of code is done. The 'r' indicates that I’m opening data.json in “read mode.”

Loading JSON from the File

json_data = json.load(f)

The function json.load(f) reads the contents of the file f and converts it into a Python object. Typically, if the JSON starts with {, it becomes a dictionary, and if it starts with [, it becomes a list.

Printing the Loaded Data


Finally, I just print json_data so I can see its structure. If your data.json file contains something like:

"Data": [

Then json_data will look like this in Python:

"Data": ["input1", "input2", "input3", "input4"]

Why the Error Might Occur

Despite how simple this process is, you might run into the dreaded error:

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

I’ve had this happen when my JSON file was accidentally saved empty or corrupted. Here are some common causes:

  1. Empty or Corrupted File
    • If data.json is empty, json.load() can’t decode anything.
    • Hidden non-UTF-8 encoding or weird characters can also lead to parsing failures.
  2. Wrong File Path
    • If your script doesn’t actually open the correct file (maybe a typo in the file name or path), you might be loading an empty or unrelated file.
  3. Permission or Lock Issues
    • Sometimes the file can’t be read properly due to permission issues, leaving json.load() with nothing to parse.

Double-Check These:

  • Does data.json exist in the same directory as my script (or did I specify the correct path)?
  • Is data.json actually valid JSON (no stray commas, not empty, etc.)?

Expanded Functionality

Once I got over the initial hurdles, I wanted to do more with my JSON data than just read it. Below is a more “real-world” example of reading a JSON file, modifying it, and saving changes back:

import json
import os

def load_json(file_path):
Load JSON data from a specified file.
Returns a Python dictionary or list, depending on the JSON structure.
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
# If the file does not exist, return a default structure or raise an error
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{file_path} not found.")

with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Error decoding JSON from {file_path}: {e}")
return data

def save_json(file_path, data):
Save a Python dictionary (or list) as JSON to a specified file.
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)

def main():
file_path = "data.json"

# 1. Load data from JSON
json_data = load_json(file_path)
print("Original data:", json_data)

# 2. Check if 'Data' key exists and is a list
if "Data" not in json_data or not isinstance(json_data["Data"], list):
# If the structure is not what we expect, handle it gracefully
json_data["Data"] = []

# 3. Add a new item (e.g., "input5")
new_item = "input5"
print("Data after adding new item:", json_data)

# 4. Write updated data back to the file
save_json(file_path, json_data)
print("New data successfully written to file.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

What This Expanded Example Does

  1. load_json(file_path)
    • Checks if the file exists.
    • Tries to decode its JSON.
    • If it succeeds, it returns a dictionary or list.
  2. save_json(file_path, data)
    • Converts a Python dictionary or list into JSON.
    • Writes it to the file, using indent=4 for readability.
  3. Adding a New Item
    • Before adding, I check if "Data" is in the dictionary and is a list.
    • Then I simply append "input5" (or any other string/item you want).
  4. Print Statements
    • Print statements before and after adding items help me verify changes instantly.

This approach not only reads and prints JSON data but also shows how to manipulate and re-save it, which I find super handy for quick data updates or prototypes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Check Your JSON File
    Make sure data.json is valid and not empty.
  2. Validate File Paths
    Confirm that your script is reading the correct file path.
  3. Use try/except Blocks
    A try/except around json.load helps you catch JSONDecodeError early and handle it gracefully.
  4. Practical Usage
    JSON is great for storing configuration, user data, or logs. You can load, modify, and re-save JSON using json.load and json.dump respectively.

Final Thoughts

I hope my personal insights and the code examples help you troubleshoot that pesky JSONDecodeError. In most cases, the problem comes down to either an empty or invalid JSON file, or a mistaken file path. Once you’ve solved that, you can harness Python’s json module for everything from simple data lookups to more advanced JSON-based configurations or data transformations.

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